CHAPTER 9. A Broader Empirical View on Trade, Technology and Growth
This final chapter of Part Three is aimed at providing a more general
test of the theoretical framework proposed in Chapter 7. However, since the
model proposed there was very stylized, the
procedure of testing it necessarily involves some 'creativity' by transforming the general consequences of the model into
testable hypotheses. In order to do so,
two different strategies will be used. First, some equations will be derived on
the basis of the model, and these will be estimated using the data set and some of the results from the previous chapter.
This provides a general approach to the
subject, which pays no attention to results for specific countries. This is were the stylized facts from Chapter 4 will be
brought back into the analysis: Among other things, the idea of structural
differences will be applied to the case of uneven growth.
The second approach is more case study-oriented, and
it concentrates on the Asian countries in the
sample, which were shown to be 'prime' examples of catching up in
Chapter 4. The current analysis tries to give an in-depth overview of the
observed performance of these countries in light of the preceding analysis. However, the reader should keep in mind that it is
not the aim of this part to give a complete
overview of development in Asian NICs. Instead,
the analysis will focus on isolated parts which are directly relevant to
the preceding chapters.
9.1. A
General Test of the Relation Between Competitiveness, Structure and Growth Rate
In applying the model from Chapter 7 to actual data, a
number of problems arise. The first problem is
concerned with the concepts used in the model. The main force determining the growth rate of a country was the balance of
payments, which was assumed to be in equilibrium at all times. During
the presentation of the model it has
already been admitted that this assumption does not comply with the real-world facts. What one observes are balance of
payments deficits and surpluses, and
as a result, accumulation of debt in some countries. Nevertheless, Thirlwall (1979) and Fagerberg
(1988a) have shown that the balance of payments restriction to growth rates does make sense in an empirical setting.
Therefore, although balance of payments equilibrium is seldom achieved, growth
rates seem to converge to the value
that is consistent with external equilibrium, at least for the countries investigated by Thirlwall
and Fagerberg.
However, both Thirlwall and Fagerberg used aggregate data to test their models. As was
shown in Chapter 7, the country-wise differences in elasticities
observed by them can (at least theoretically)
be explained by the production and consumption structure of the domestic
economy. This is the main reason why the analysis
in Chapters 7 and 8 was extended to include the sectoral
level. However, this poses another
problem: The data used in the previous chapter are available for the
manufacturing sector only, and, as a result, many sectors of the economy, such
as agriculture, mining, building, transport, and other forms of services, were
ignored. And even though large parts of the services sector are nontradeable, concentrating
on manufacturing alone leads to ignoring large parts of the trade balance. Therefore, even if the balance of
payments restriction to economic growth is relevant, it cannot be used in the narrow manufacturing perspective
adopted here.
Thus, it is imperative to develop another way of exploring the empirical
consequences of the model proposed in Chapter 7.
To do this, assume for the moment that there is only one market for each
of the products of the industrial sectors identified in the previous
chapter. In other words, the relevant market for each producer is the total world market, irrespective of its location.
This means that the detailed specification of the relation between
competitiveness and growth through the
import and export sides of the trade balance will be 'skipped'. Then, using a simple definition, each country's rate of
growth of production in a specific sector over a specific period will be the
sum of the growth rate of its market share and the growth rate of volume of the market.
In this
equation, the symbols are as defined in previous chapters, and M is the size of
the market. As before, it is assumed that the movement of the market share is determined by competitiveness, so that a country
whose competitiveness is exactly equal
to the average will grow as fast as the market volume. This country is denoted
by *.
next step is to write an expression for the aggregate growth rate of countries.
Obviously, the aggregate growth rate can be found by adding together the
sector-wise growth rates, taking sector
shares as weights. In mathematical form, this is written as follows.
6 =V ñ 0 =Y* cj i +V î M (IX.3)
i i 1
Obviously, for the 'average competitive' country (*), the aggregate
growth rate reduces to the following.
the last two equations, the growth rate differential between an individual
country and the average country growth rate can be written as follows.
(2,-0 '-E aA+E
< v°P4
This equation shows that the growth rate
differential is the sum of two partial effects, the first can be attributed to competitiveness, and the second
to the structure of production. Using the evolutionary
equation used in the two preceding chapters, the last equation can
be rewritten as follows.
,-0 '=£ |
00 '=£ <°Ä: <VV VD)+E
×°?× «x
The first term on the rhs of equation (IX.6) is due to competitiveness, while the
second one is due to the production structure. ...
However, the irrealistic
assumption of one world market leads to the necessity of carefully interpreting this equation. First, the competitiveness part
does not take into account all sorts of
factors that might prohibit a successful transformation of high competitiveness into high growth. The most obvious of these factors
is the existence of trade barriers in the form of
protectionist measures, and the space dimension,
which leads to trade flows from and to one specific country that are unequally
distributed over the world. Second, the structural part of the equation models
the structural problem from the supply side, while it seems to be more logical to model it from the demand side, as in
Chapter 7. In other words, in the theoretically
preferred approach from Chapter 7, the existence of a structural advantage or
disadvantage was determined by the country's and the world's consumption
structures, while here it are the production structures that matter. Obviously, at the total world level, the
consumption and production structures must be equal, but as the simulation
results in Chapter 7 showed, for separate countries that are trading with other countries, the two are likely to
differ, due to specialization.
Therefore, part of the equation is misspecified with
regard to the impact of
competitiveness on growth through the import (i.e., demand) side of the economy.
equation (IX.6) can be tested using the data and results for ô estimated in the previous chapter. Before doing
so, a regression relating growth rate differentials of manufacturing production and total GDP (denoted
by Y) is carried out. This
equation gives an idea as to what extent the results for manufacturing have significance for the
economy as a whole. The equation used is as follows1.
outcome of this regression is the following.
a0 = 0.437 (22.02*") Y0 = 0.001 (0.88)
1 The
data set used in the regressions in this section is partly the same as that
used in the previous chapter. Manufacturing variables not used there (such as
the growth rate of output) are taken from
the same source (UNIDO Industrial Statistics Database). Data for GDP in this
chapter are taken from Summers and Heston (1991). Countries used and the period involved are
also the same (1963-1987). Starred values refer to (weighted) sample averages.
n = 652
adj. R2 = 0.43
A Chow-test for structural change between the periods
before and after 1973 is not significant. These
results show that there is a strong correlation between the growth rate differential with respect to total output and the growth
rate differential of manufacturing output. Of course, this correlation is not
surprising, since manufacturing output is a
part of total output. Nevertheless, the value of the estimated coefficient, which is clearly smaller
than one, shows that there is a general
tendency in the data towards specialization between the manufacturing
and nonmanufactuhng countries. The reason for
this is that the estimated value of a1 shows that large positive values of
growth rate differentials in manufacturing tend to go hand in hand with below-average growth (i.e., negative growth rate differentials)
in nonmanufacturing sectors of GDP. Large negative
values of the growth rate differential in manufacturing tend to go together
with above-average growth in nonmanufacturing sectors. As a result, the growth rate
differential induced by the manufacturing sector is partly offset by the
other sectors. In other words, the
manufacturing sector has induced a tendency towards divergence, while this
has been partly offset by a converging tendency in nonmanufacturing
Now that the relation between manufacturing and total growth rate
differentials is clear, attention can be
shifted towards explaining the growth rate differentials. In order to do so, define the following variables.
ÑÕÖÕ.+Ì^/Ó. (IX.10)
0 stands for competitiveness, and is defined according
to equations (IX.5) - (IX.6). The ôs are taken from the empirical analysis in the previous chapter2.
S is the effect of the production structure, and is also defined as in
the equations above. Î measures the
openness of the economy. This variable is used to correct the relations above
for different degrees of openness. Several specifications will be used to do this, which will be discussed below in more detail. H is a
measure of the degree of specialization of
the economy. It is defined as the variance of the sectoral shares in
manufacturing output around the sample means, so that high
2 ôs used are moving averages of those obtained in the estimations for
Table VIII.ll, so that competitiveness
consists of the wage rate, labour productivity and a
scale factor. For the exact values of the ôs used, the reader should refer to the floppy disk. The program that
should be started is ELA5.EXE, and variable
names are as follows: Ô^å, = CNj; ô1,Üööãp^^miy,, ~ CPj;
Ô÷-àðïì,! = CWj (j refers to a
sequence number in Appendix IV.2).
values correspond to a high degree of
specialization. This variable is meant to pick up the effects of increasing returns to scale due to specialization,
which were explained in the discussion of
the simulation results of the model in Chapter 7. In principle, these scale
effects are assumed to be included in the measures of competitiveness used, but in order to see if any of these effects are
not captured through 0, the H variable is included in the regressions.
Although the definitions of ß and S are alike, the correlation between the
two is low (-0.03). This illustrates that H and S measure two different things: H is related to
the static structure of the economy, which is
assumed to provide opportunities for dynamic scale effects while S
measures the dynamic structural advantages related to market demand. ê stands for the investment
intensity, and is included to take into account some aspects of
competitiveness that are not included in the definition of 0.
These variables will be used in a number of different
equations. Since the basic equation derived above (IX.6) assumes that all
economies are completely open, some additional specifications will be tested
that relax this assumption. The basic idea behind these
other forms is that the relation between competitiveness and growth rate differentials is stronger for economies
that are more open. Thus, one can assume that in a
regression of the type (IX.6), the estimated coefficient for competitiveness varies with openness. One way of
taking this into account is by estimating an equation with competitiveness
multiplied by openness (O-0) as one of the independent variables. Another
possibility is to specify a nonlinear (in the parameters)
relation between openness, competitiveness and growth. Both approaches will be followed below.
First, some linear (in the parameters) equations will be estimated. The
estimates will be done both for equations
explaining the growth rate differential in manufacturing, and GDP. The results for the linear equations are in
Tables IX.l and IX.2. The
tables show that the overall explanatory power of the regressions is rather weak. However, the coefficients are (highly)
significant in most cases, which indicates that although the variance explained
is low, there is a significant relationship
of the kind assumed. Chow-tests for structural change between periods before and after 1973 are not
Turning to the individual equations, the following can be said. In Table
IX.l, equation (i) is
the purest form of the hypothesis derived above (IX.6). The parameter estimate of 0 is smaller than one,
indicating that there is indeed a factor which prohibits the differences in competitiveness to be transformed
into differences in growth rates completely.
This is probably a mixed effect of the competitiveness
measures being less than perfect and of the omission of the openness effect. The estimated parameter of the
structural term S is larger than one, which is hard to explain from the
point of view of the above equations.
Equation (ii) tries to correct for the openness by assuming that the
slope of the basic equation (as in i) varies with openness. The minimum value of Î observed (around 4%) corresponds to an estimated coefficient of around 0.015, while
the maximum Î value
(around 245%) yields a slope of around one. Thus, these results indicate that the slope of the competitiveness
variable varies between zero and one, with the
extremes of this interval reached for the most closed and open
economies in the sample.
Equations (iii) and (iv) are basically the same, but introduce the
specialization term. It is shown that higher
specialization leads to higher growth. The coefficient of 0O becomes smaller and insignificant, while the (adjusted) R2
in (iv) gets smaller by including the extra
variable. This effect might be partially due to multi-collinearity
(the correlation between 00 and H is close to 0.4). In any case, this shows that part of the effect of the openness variable in (ii) is due to
specialization increasing with openness. The
constant in (iii) - (iv) becomes smaller, while the other
coefficients remain more or less the same.
Table IX.1. Estimation results
for linear equations explaining growth rate differentials
for manufacturing output (n=652)
No |
Ñ |
CO |
S |
H |
Ê |
ñ |
R' |
i |
0.27 (2.94 "•) |
1.90 (5.60 "*) |
0.016 (7.27 ***) |
0.06 |
ii |
0.42 (3.09 "•) |
1.87 (5.52 ***) |
0.016 (7.30 ***) |
0.06 |
iii |
0.24 (2.60 "*) |
1.96 (5.89 ***) |
0.33 (5.02 •••) |
***) |
0.09 |
iv |
0.19 (1.33) |
1.95 (5.83 ***) |
0.31 (4.37 ***) |
0.009 (3.28 ***) |
0.08 |
V |
0.23 (2.42 •*) |
1.86 (5.49 ***) |
0.06 (2.01 **) |
(0.24) |
0.06 |
vi |
0.38 (2.78 "•) |
1.83 (5.41 ***) |
(0.06 2.23 •*) |
0.0003 (0.04) |
0.06 |
vii |
0.17 (1.83 *) |
1.91 (5.76 ***) |
0.37 (5.49 *** |
0.09 (2.98 **) |
-0.014 (1.83 *) |
0.10 |
viii |
0.10 (0.65) |
1.90 (5.73 ***) |
0.37 (5.01 ***) |
0.10 (3.31 ***) |
-0.016 (1.99 **) |
0.10 |
Variants (v) and (vi) show that there is also a significant relation
between investment intensity and growth rate
differentials, and that the influence of S and 9
is not affected by this. Finally, equations (vii) and (viii) include all the
variables, and show the general significance.
Table IX.2 repeats the same relations, but explaining GDP growth rate
differentials instead. As could be expected from
the estimated relation between GDP and manufacturing growth, the coefficients in these equations are smaller
than the ones in (i)-(iv),
and so are the R2s. However, the coefficients are also significant,
which indicates that the relations are strong enough to
survive additional sources of disturbance caused by
the relation between GDP and manufacturing output.
Table IX.2. Estimation results for
linear equations explaining
growth rate differentials for GDP
No |
Ñ |
CO |
S |
H |
Ê |
constant |
R2 |
i |
0.16 (2.55 ***) |
0.52 (2.25 **) |
0.007 (4.90
***) |
0.02 |
ii |
0.35 (3.78 ***) |
0.49 (2.14 **) |
0.007 (4.65
***) |
0.03 |
iii |
0.13 (2.08 **) |
0.58 (2.58 ***) |
0.31 (6.98 ***) |
-0.001 (0.28) |
0.08 |
iv |
0.13 (1.36) |
0.57 (2.53 ***) |
0.30 (6.16 ***) |
0.0002 (0.10) |
0.08 |
V |
0.13 (1.94 ••) |
0.49 (2.12 **) |
0.05 (2.53 ***) |
-0.005 (0.97) |
0.02 |
vi |
0.32 (3.43 ***) |
0.46 (2.01 **) |
0.05 (2.58 ***) |
(1.08) |
0.04 |
vii |
0.07 (1.13) |
0.53 (2.42 **) |
0.34 (7.60 ***) |
0.08 (3.87 ***) |
***) |
0.10 |
viii |
0.05 (0.54) |
0.53 (2.40 **) |
0.34 (6.94 ***) |
0.08 (4.06 ***) |
-0.02 (3.79
***) |
0.10 |
The influence of openness on the coefficient of 0 can also be estimated
by means of nonlinear specifications. Various alternatives were tested, which
are all nested in the following equation.
D.=(u+aOf)0.+pS.+Y (IX-13)
Estimating this equation in its least restrictive form
(i.e., leaving all the parameters free) does not
yield very good results, both in terms of convergence and in terms of
f-values of the estimated parameters. Therefore, various special cases of the general equation were estimated, which, in general,
produce quite good results.
IX.3 lists the results (Chow-tests for structural change are not significant). In equations (i) and
(iv), one would expect 1 > u+O5 > 0 (close to zero for closed
economies, and close to one for open economies), which implies that u<0 and
5>0. Note that this equation
assumes that the relation between competitiveness and growth is zero for an
economy with a value of O>0. In other words, the point at which competitiveness becomes meaningless lies
before the point of a completely closed
economy. The performance of the equation for GDP growth is better than for the equation for manufacturing, at least in
terms of significance of the coefficients.
Although the relation may not be very strong, it is useful to calculate the
boundaries of the range for the implied coefficient of 0. These are as follows:
for DQ : 0.45 > u+O5
> 0.10; for DY : 0.50 > u+O5 > -0.10.
Table IX.3. Nonlinear
specifications of the
relation between growth, competitiveness, structure and openness (n=652)
Dep var |
No |
a |
Ö |
5 |
8 |
7 |
R' |
Dq |
i |
fixed to 1 |
**8) |
0.08 (0.68) |
1.88 (5.54 *") |
0.016 (7.20 •") |
0.06 |
DB |
ii |
0.41 (2.97 ***) |
fixed to 0 |
0.72 (1.31) |
1.87 (5.52 "*) |
0.016 (7.22) |
0.06 |
Dq |
iii |
fixed to 1 |
fixed to 0 |
1.03 (3.43 ***) |
1.80 (5.24 ***) |
"*) |
0.05 |
0, |
iv |
fixed to 1 |
•••) |
0.18 (1.78 ***) |
0.49 (2.13 ") |
0.007 (4.75 *") |
0.02 |
Dr |
V |
0.25 (2.77 ***) |
fixed to 0 |
3.55 (5.27 *") |
0.52 (2.25 •*) |
0.007 (4.87 •••) |
0.04 |
Dy |
vi |
fixed to 1 |
fixed to 0 |
1.42 (5.68 «*) |
0.41 (1.72 *) |
0.004 (2.93 ***) |
0.03 |
the estimated coefficients for manufacturing yield values of the regression
slope in the correct range, which holds to a lesser extent for total GDP.
Although part of the estimated range is
smaller than zero, keeping standard errors of the estimated coefficients in mind, these values are
quite good.
results of variants (ii) and (v) indicate that for GDP growth rate
differentials, the linear (in the
parameters) forms (vi) and (iix) in Table IX.2 are
more restrictive than necessary. These equations yield significant
parameters, which are different from those
obtained in linear regressions. However, calculating the maximum value for the slope of the â term yields values around six for the GDP equation,
and 0.8 for the manufacturing variant. The value for GDP is quite high from a theoretical point of view. Equations (iii) and (vi)
bring the maximum values for the slopes of 0 closer to
each other. For these equations, in which all parameters are significant, the
values are 3.7 (GDP) and 2.5 (manufacturing). Still, this is quite high, so that one should interpret equations (ii), (iii), (vi) and (vii)
as being not very relevant to the rightmost tail of the distribution of O.
The exact relationship between competitiveness,
openness and growth as described by the first nonlinear equation is
explained in Figures IX.la and IX.lb.
The other nonlinear equations, as well as
variants (ii), (iv), (vi) and (viii) in the linear estimates, yield similar 'landscapes',
but they are somewhat less steep (and nonlinear) in the Î dimension. In the
figures, the 3-dimensional function described is
projected on a 2-dimensional space, using the relevant ranges for the competitiveness and openness variable, and the
estimated parameters for the manufacturing
output growth variant of the equation. The structural part of the equation, as
well as the constant, have been set to zero.
Figure IX.la. The 3-dimensional relation between openness, competitiveness and growth, viewpoint 1
Figure IX.lb. The 3-dimensional relation between openness, competitiveness and growth,
viewpoint 2
The two different figures project the same
function in the 2-dimensional space, each taking a different viewpoint. Growth
rate differentials are measured on the Z-axis (vertical), the X-axis (stretching from the bottom-left to the
top-right corner) measures competitiveness, and
the Y-axis (stretching from top-left to bottom-right) measures openness.
For growth and competitiveness, the middle of the respective axes represent the point zero. For the Y-axis, the
middle point corresponds with a value
of the openness variable of around 125%. Moving to the right on the X-axis means
a higher value of competitiveness, while moving to the left on the Y-axis corresponds to higher openness. Dark-coloured surfaces represent the top of the projected plane, and light shades correspond to the
bottom of the plane.
In order to interpret the form of the plane, it is useful to start by
imagining a situation in which openness does
not matter, and the relation between competitiveness
and growth is linear. This is the case in equations (i)
in Tables IX.l and IX.2. Here, one could graph this relation in a 2-dimensional space.
However, if a 3-dimensional space was used, there would be no variation along
the third dimension, and the figure would
simply look like an uphill road that can be crossed without gaining or losing
height. Riding the road with a bicycle, however, would
lead to gain/loss of height. At some point (halfway, at the point zero on the competitiveness axis), one would reach a point
where the height corresponds to a zero growth rate differential.
this situation in mind, it is easy to see what would happen if the influence of
openness is taken into account in as in the different variants of equation
(IX.9). Now, each slice of the road (along its 'direction of the
traffic') has a 'personal' steepness, which
means that if one drives closer to one side of the road, the steepness varies. In fact, if one drives on the
outer rightmost edge (corresponding to
a closed economy), the road is completely flat. This slice of the road corresponds
to the X-axis. The more one moves to the left, the steeper the surface becomes. This interpretation is evident from
Figure IX.la.
Another way of saying the same thing is the following. At the maximum of
openness (the farthest possible point on the Y-axis from the origin),
the plane cuts the horizontal plane for which
growth (Z) is zero with a fairly large slope (close to 0.7). From that slice on, the slices closer to
the origin are curled towards the X-axis. For negative values of
competitiveness (X-axis), the plane curls to the X-axis from below (negative
values on the Z-axis), and for positive competitiveness it curls to the X-axis from above. This interpretation is
more evident from the viewpoint taken in Figure IX.lb.
The simple, but important, economic interpretation of these figures is
that competitiveness only matters when the economy is
open enough. Economies actively taking part
in world trade are more sensitive to differences in competitiveness than less
open economies. To put it another way, it is not beneficial to have
an open economy unless the domestic economy is competitive.
9.2. Catching
Up: A Detailed Look at the Asian NICs
After this general interpretation of the relation between trade,
competitiveness and growth, this section will take a
closer look at some of the countries in the sample in
order to see to what extent their growth pattern can be explained by the
approach taken. The aim of this is to go beyond the general nature of the regressions in the previous section, and explore the
data used there, as well as some additional data,
for the consequences of the general framework derived from the
model in Chapter 7.
The empirical overview in Chapter 4 has indicated that
the NICs are the countries which have achieved the most spectacular growth performance in the
period under consideration. But even within
this group, there are considerable differences. Although the data are not
actually documented here, it is a well-known fact that the Asian NICs3
are most remarkable. As will become apparent below, these countries have achieved very high growth rates over
the previous period, which is the reason why
they are sometimes called the Dynamic Asian Economies (DAEs).
Thus, these countries seem to be good
candidates for the case study approach adopted in this section. The USA (representing the economic and
technological leader at the outset of the
period) and Japan (the early example of catching up, and by now an economic and technological leader, especially in the Asian
region) will also be considered as benchmarks.
Table IX.4 summarizes the growth performance of these countries. The
table shows that at the outset of the period,
the USA, as the technological and economic leader, was realizing a small positive growth rate differential. In
manufacturing, most of the Asian economies
were still falling behind, with Japan as a clear and Korea and Malaysia as less clear exceptions. For GDP, the growth
rate differentials for the Asian economies were more on the positive
side. Thus, Japan emerged as a regional
leader in terms of growth rates and per capita income (not documented) as early as the 1960s. After 1965, the USA
economy slowed down, and mostly achieved negative growth rate differentials.
The Asian catching-up process set off in
this period, and only came to a standstill in Japan in the most recent period.
The other Asian economies, especially
Korea, continued to grow very rapidly, both with regard to GDP and manufacturing, with occasional exceptions.
3 In this thesis: Hong Kong,
(South) Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, The Philippines. 206
IX.4. Growth performance of Asian NICs and
technological leaders, 1963-1987
Country |
1963-1965 |
1965-1970 |
1970-1975 |
1975-1980 |
1980-1985 |
1985-1987 |
Philippines |
-2.95 |
■1.43 |
5.07 |
7.24 |
14.97 |
10.61 |
Malaysia |
0.52 |
3.49 |
3.11 |
4.79 |
3.65 |
3.50 |
Thailand |
-0.54 |
1.68 |
5.32 |
4.84 |
1.30 |
-4.82 |
Korea |
1.17 |
16.40 |
14.48 |
14.31 |
7.04 |
11.91 |
Hong Kong |
-1.33 |
3.12 |
4.37 |
6.42 |
4.04 |
6.48 |
Singapore |
-2.19 |
6.27 |
-3.63 |
4.28 |
0.77 |
-1.01 |
Japan |
2.50 |
6.22 |
1.23 |
1.19 |
2.01 |
-0.90 |
0.72 |
-1.78 |
-1.39 |
0.05 |
-0.19 |
0.13 |
D, |
Philippines |
-2.08 |
0.54 |
2.43 |
2.23 |
-1.72 |
-1.99 |
Malaysia |
0.15 |
1.00 |
4.31 |
4.59 |
3.52 |
-6.82 |
Thailand |
1.85 |
2.71 |
1.62 |
4.26 |
3.05 |
0.73 |
Korea |
0.10 |
5.91 |
5.77 |
2.85 |
2.25 |
5.64 |
Hong Kong |
6.44 |
3.33 |
3.28 |
6.69 |
4.49 |
4.89 |
Singapore |
-5.66 |
6.35 |
6.32 |
4.03 |
4.69 |
-1.18 |
Japan |
3.20 |
5.25 |
2.03 |
1.23 |
1.13 |
0.22 |
0.07 |
-1.34 |
-1.85 |
41.69 |
0.24 |
0.15 |
How can this growth pattern be explained? Bearing the results of the
regressions in the previous section in mind,
the present section explores the trends for the USA and Asian economies in more
detail. The first factor that will be examined is competitiveness (ˆ>). In Figure IX.2a, the competitiveness
profiles of the USA and Japan are presented.
The figure gives the percentage point contribution of wage rate competitiveness to the total on the horizontal axis, and its
productivity and scale counterpart on the vertical
axis. The solid line going from the upper left corner to the
bottom right corner makes the distinction between negative (left) and positive (right) total competitiveness. The dotted
lines divide the 2-dimensional space in parts that correspond to
different sources of competitiveness. Japan starts as a technologically backward country, which is still competitive due to
its low wage rate. The USA starts as
a highly competitive country with regard to technology, but lags behind
in the wage rate dimension. Some of the reasons why the USA's total competitive lag did not materialize in a larger
negative growth rate differential
than that in Table IX.4 will become apparent below. The catching-up process of
Japan is made visible through its constant upward movement in the diagram.
However, at the same time, Japan moves slowly to the left, indicating its loss in the wage rate dimension of
competitiveness. The USA shows a movement in the opposite direction. The
catching-up process in the rest of the sample makes
it lose part of its advantage on the vertical
axis. Regarding the wage rate, however the USA moves in the positive direction, making it more competitive
overall especially in the late 1970s and 1980s.
The movements in the horizontal direction of Figure
IX.2a illustrates the influence of exchange rates on the wage rate
competitiveness of the two leading economies in
the world. The USA's swing in the horizontal direction corresponds exactly with
the large amplitude of the exchange
rate path of the US$ over the 1970s and 1980s. The same holds for the Japanese pattern over the 1980s.
Figures IX.2b and IX.2c show that exchange rate movements are not quite
so dominant for the other Asian economies. Since
the movements of these economies mainly take place in
quadrant IV, the figure only gives the rightmost half of the total competitiveness diagram in Figure IX.2a. The
Asian NICs' increasing competitiveness is in most
cases due to wages, both in a static sense (the presence of most series
in the top of quadrant IV) and in a dynamic sense (the movement to the
right). At the same time, however, some of the series (especially Malaysia and
Korea) also show a small upward movement (over the latest period), indicating
the technological catching-up process.
Wage rate
Figure IX.2a. The competitiveness profiles of Japan and the USA,
Wage rate -
THA -t- MLY -e- PHL
Figure IX.2b. The competitiveness profiles
of Thailand, Malaysia and
The Philippines, 1960s-1980s
0.1....................................... --. - -^~
Wage rate - SNG -••- KOR -*- HKG
IX.2c. The competitiveness profiles of Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea, 1960s-1980s
To sum up, Figures IX.2a - IX.2c illustrate one
important source of the large positive growth rate
differentials of the Asian economies, in the form of their high
competitiveness. Compared to the other countries in the sample (not documented)
which mostly move around the origin, or the
solid line, competitiveness in these countries is
very high. However, there are a number of countries for which the match between competitiveness in Figures IX.2 and
growth rate differentials in Table IX.4 is not
particularly good for some periods (with Korea in the early years being the most prominent example). This means that
there must be additional factors explaining these countries' growth
IX.5 gives two possible sources. First, the table shows the openness coefficients for the countries under
consideration. The bottom line (sample mean) of the first half of the table shows the increasing internationalization
of the world economy over the 1970s in the form of increased world trade. Over
the 1980s, the trend in Î is downward again, which does not necessarily indicate
a decrease in internationalization. The presence of multinational companies
might bias the particular statistic
used here. Nevertheless, the numbers show the relatively large importance of
domestic growth factors for the large economies of the USA and Japan. These two countries have a value of Î clearly below the sample mean, which indicates the relatively small importance of competitiveness in
this context. Both countries, however, have an
increasing trend in O, in line with the world trend. The other Asian NICs can be divided into
two groups. One group (Hong Kong, Singapore) is
highly dependent on international trade, and achieves values of Î far above the sample mean (in the case of Singapore
even extremely high). The other group (The
Philippines, Thailand, Korea) clearly has a value of Î below the sample mean. Malaysia lies somewhat in
between, with values of Î around the mean. Korea starts at a very low level of O, but moves
to a more open economy throughout the 1970s and 1980s. This shows that the
logic of completely export-based growth is only
valid for a limited number of the Asian 'tigers'. It also explains some of the mismatches between growth in Table IX.4 and competitiveness in Figures IX.2a J IX.2c.
One of the domestic sources of growth that has not
been taken into account yet, is capital
accumulation, which is presented in the bottom half of Table IX.5. Regarding the two leaders, USA and Japan, the
well-known pattern is reproduced here. The USA has an investment ratio which is
constant over most of the 1960-1980 period, but is
well below the mean. Japan's investment intensity is much more volatile, reaching a peak in the mid-1970s, but
is well above the sample mean for the whole
period. The other Asian economies can be subdivided into two groups. The first group (Korea, Singapore, Malaysia) are following Japan,
with investment intensities around average in the
early 1960s, and above average throughout the 1970s and 1980s. The other group
(The Philippines, Hong Kong) achieves around
average investment intensities for the whole period. However, considering that
the level of development in these countries is lower than in the OECD
countries, one might interpret this as relatively high. Thailand is an exception to the high investment intensity in
Asia, with levels well below those of the
Table IX.5. Openness and investment Intensity, Asian NICs
and technological leaders, 1963-1987
Country |
1964-1965 |
1965-1970 |
1970-1975 |
1975-1980 |
1980-1985 |
1985-1987 |
0 |
Philippines |
14.7 |
14.7 |
14.6 |
17.4 |
16.1 |
13.3 |
Malaysia |
39.9 |
36.4 |
38.4 |
48.1 |
47.3 |
45.4 |
Thailand |
12.5 |
12.6 |
14.0 |
18.1 |
17.8 |
16.4 |
Korea |
7.5 |
12.9 |
22.6 |
39.3 |
46.2 |
42.9 |
Hong Kong |
91.8 |
96.8 |
119.3 |
139.9 |
131.6 |
138.9 |
Singapore |
141.5 |
135.2 |
159.6 |
na |
na |
na |
Japan |
12.8 |
13.8 |
21.1 |
30.5 |
32.8 |
31.5 |
10.9 |
11.7 |
15.5 |
20.9 |
22.7 |
21.4 |
Sample mean |
30.9 |
31.1 |
40.4 |
53.3 |
50.3 |
49.3 |
Ê |
Philippines |
18.3 |
19.2 |
19.4 |
23.9 |
20.2 |
12.6 |
Malaysia |
22.4 |
23.2 |
28.2 |
31.1 |
37.1 |
32.0 |
Thailand |
12.9 |
16.1 |
16.6 |
16.1 |
14.9 |
13.7 |
Korea |
13.2 |
22.9 |
27.4 |
30.9 |
28.1 |
28.3 |
Hong Kong |
25.8 |
19.4 |
19.5 |
22.3 |
21.4 |
18.3 |
Singapore |
18.1 |
23.5 |
35.3 |
34.7 |
40.0 |
na |
Japan |
27.8 |
31.7 |
35.9 |
32.3 |
29.2 |
28.8 |
16.8 |
16.6 |
16.8 |
17.3 |
17.6 |
18.8 |
Sample mean |
23.6 |
23.9 |
25.3 |
24.6 |
23.0 |
na |
Philippines —•—
Korea -*- Japan
USA -è— Sample mean
Figure IX.3a. The evolution of the
specialization index, low-specialization countries
-■- Singapore -ý- Malaysia
Hong Kong -æ- Thailand Sample mean
Figure IX.3b. The evolution of the specialization index, high-specialization countries
Finally, the degree of specialization is
investigated- The regressions in the previous section showed that this is a very strong factor explaining growth. As
explained above, there are two sides to
specialization, which can be broadly defined as demand side induced and supply side induced. Before separating these
two, Figures IX.3a and IX.3b present the degree of
specialization for the countries in the sample. The
figures divide the countries into two groups, one with a high degree, and the other with a low degree of
specialization. This division corresponds closely to the one made in the
case of openness, which illustrates the relation between openness and specialization. The first group, in
which the leaders Japan and the USA are found besides Korea and the
Philippines, all have starting values of the variable
È below the sample mean. The second
group has starting values above the sample mean. In Figure IX.3a, note the
trends for Japan and Korea. In the case of
Japan, the increased openness over the 1970s and 1980s has also lead to increased specialization. For Korea, however,
increased openness has gone together with
decreased specialization (except for the period since 1985). This indicates the
very broad range of the Korean
competitive manufacturing activities.
Figure ÃÕ.ÇÜ, note that all
series show a decreasing trend over time. These countries, which all started at very high levels of specialization, are
becoming less specialized over time.
The sample mean is also decreasing, which shows that this is indeed a trend
that is not limited to Asia. In light of the increasing trend in openness that
was observed earlier, this is surprising, since one would expect increasing openness to go hand in hand with
increasing specialization.
One possible explanation for this might be the dynamics of sectoral shares at the world
level. In line with some of the theory on diffusion of innovations, long waves and technological paradigms, the share of new
technologies in total (world) production has been rising since the late 1970s
(see the discussion in Chapter 3). Reshaping
the division of labour at the world level on the
basis of this new sectoral division of labour is
a process which erodes the old division of labour,
and thus leads to a decreasing trend
in specialization initially. This is consistent with the rise in
specialization in some of the countries in Figures IX.3a and IX.3b since the
beginning of the 1980s.
IX.6 investigates this hypothesis in more detail for the DAEs.
The table illustrates the dynamics of
specialization patterns in a nonquantitative way. The
underlying statistics for this table
are revealed comparative advantages (RCA), calculated on the basis of
production statistics. The table gives the top-3 sectors for different
criteria for different periods, which have been chosen on the basis of the movement in È in Figures IX.3a and IX.3b.
In the early 1960s, all Asian economies (including
Japan) were specialized in low-tech sectors. Tobacco, wood and textiles
were among the sectors with the highest RCAs. The USA, on the other hand, were specialized in instruments, transport
equipment (mostly cars and aircraft),
and refined oil.
The USA economy's specialization pattern remained largely constant, with
the high-tech sectors at the forefront. However, in line with the Japanese
competition in the automobile industry, transport equipment vanished from the
RCA top-3 in
1987. Japan, on the other hand, showed major
changes in its specialization pattern. The sectors which had been in the RCA top-3 in 1963 realized major
losses in RCA (see the line top-3 changes -). The
top-3 changes + sectors (instruments, electrical machinery and iron and steel) increased their RCA to such an extent that
they became the top-3 sectors in 1987. Thus, the
picture of Japan as a country switching from low-tech to
high-tech production that was clear from Figure IX.2a, is confirmed by the dynamics of its specialization
Table IX.6. Specialization patterns in a dynamic perspective, Asian NICs and technological
leaders, 1963-1987
Country |
T, |
T2 |
T3 |
Philippines |
1965 |
1975 |
1987 |
ÒîðÇ + |
Tobacco (9.1) Other chem (2.3) Paper (2.0) |
Tobacco (7.4) Refined oil (2.8) Other chem
(2.4) |
Tobacco (7.1) Beverages (2.0) Apparel (2.0) |
Top 3 - |
Instruments (0.01) Misc C&O (0.07) Iron & steel (0.1) |
Misc C&O (0.03) Instruments (0.04) Non-el mach (0.2) |
Instruments (0.02) Non-fer met (0.02) Misc C&O (0.06) |
Top 3 changes + |
Refined oil (1.9) Printing (0.4)
Iron & steel (0.3) |
Fab met (1.6) Apparel (1.4) Beverages (1.1) |
Top 3 changes - |
Tobacco (1.7) Paper (1.3) Pottery (0.9) |
Refined oil (2.0) Other
chem (1.1) Wood (0.5) |
Malaysia |
1963 |
1987 |
Top 3+ |
Rubber (8.1) Wood (3.6) Tobacco (3.0) |
Rubber (8.2) Wood (2.6) El mach (2.1) |
ÒîðÇ- |
Misc C&O (0.04) Transport (0.06) Instruments
(0.06) |
Misc C&O (0.07) Leather (0.1) Instruments (0.2) |
Top 3 changes + |
El mach (1.3) Apparel (0.4) Fab met (0.4) |
Top 3 changes - |
Tobacco (1.2) Wood (1.0) Food (0.6) |
Thailand |
1963 |
1987 |
ÒîðÇ + |
Tobacco (3.6) Oth man (3.2) Food (3.1) |
Apparel (3.2) Tobacco (3.2) Rubber (2.9) |
ÒîðÇ- |
Leather (0.09) Transport (0.1) Ind chem (0.1) |
Printing (0.2) |
Continued on next page- |
Top 3 changes + |
Textiles (1.2) Footwear (1.0) |
Top 3 changes - |
Food (1.2) Wood fum (0.5) Tobacco (0.4) |
Korea |
1970 |
1987 |
ÒîðÇ + |
Tobacco (8.8) Pottery (5.0) Rubber (4.0) |
Tobacco (6.8) Oth man (2.5) Refined oil (2.5) |
Leather (3.1) Rubber (2.4) Textiles (2.3) |
ÒîðÇ- |
Transport (0.2) Leather (0.2) El mach (0.3) |
Leather (0.1) Fab met (0.2) Transport (0.2) |
Printing (0.2) Wood him (0.5) Fab met (0.5) |
Top 3 changes + |
Plastic (0.9) Refined oil (0.9)
Ind chem (0.8) |
Leather (3.0) El mach (1.5) Apparel
(1.4) |
Top 3 changes - |
(3.6) Rubber (2.3) Tobacco (2.0) |
Tobacco (4.5) Refined oil (1.6) Wood (1.5) |
Hong Kong |
1963 |
1976 |
1987 |
Top 3 + |
Apparel (12.0) Textiles (4.9) Plastic (4.4) |
Apparel (12.9) Textiles (4.9) Plastic (3.2) |
Apparel (11.2) Instruments
(6.1) Textiles (4.2) |
ÒîðÇ- |
Ind chem (0.1) Transport (0.1)
Non-el mach (0.1) |
Ind chem (0.1) Transport (0.1) Iron & steel (0.1) |
Iron & Steel (0.1) Transport (0.1) Non-fer met (0.2) |
Top 3 changes + |
(0.8) El mach (0.7) Instruments (0.7) |
Instruments (4.4) Oth man (2.4) Tobacco (0.8) |
Top 3 changes - |
Plastic (1.2) Printing (0.8) Oth man (3.5) |
Apparel (1.7) El mach (1.3) Textiles (0.7) |
Singapore |
1968 |
1986 |
Top3 + |
Rubber (7.2) Refined oil (5.7) Wood (2.7) |
Refined oil (5.6) El
mach (2.1) Rubber (1.9) |
ÒîðÇ- |
Paper (0.1) Pottery
(0.1) Iron & steel (0.1) |
Pottery (0.1) Glass (0.1) Textiles (0.1) |
Top 3 changes + |
El mach (1.8) Apparel
(0.7) Ind chem (0.4) |
Top 3 changes - |
Rubber (5.3) Wood (2.4) Footwear (1.0) |
Continued on next page.-. |
Japan |
1963 |
1987 |
Top 3 + |
Wood (2.6) Oth man (2.2) Plastic (2.0) |
mach (2.0) Iron & steel (1.4) Instruments
(1.2) |
Top 3- |
Footwear (0.3) Instruments
(0.5) Refined oil (0.6) |
(0.4) Apparel (0.5) Wood fum (0.6) |
Top 3 changes + |
El mach (1.1) Instruments (0.7) Iron & steel (0.4) |
Top 3 changes - |
Wood (1.6) Wood furn
(1.2) Oth man (1.0) |
1963 |
1987 |
Top3+ |
Instruments (1.5) Refined oil (1.5) Transport (1.3) |
Instruments (1.4) Printing (1.3) Refined oil (1.3) |
Top 3- |
Pottery (0.4) Plastic (0.4) Textiles (0.6) |
Footwear (0.4) Pottery (0.4) Leather (0.5) |
Top 3 changes + |
■■ v------ |
Plastic (0.5) Wood furn (0.3)
Printing (0.3) |
Top 3 changes - |
Iron & steel (0.4) Footwear
(0.4) El mach (0.3) |
The other Asian economies are less dynamic in this
respect. Still, a number of them (Malaysia, Hong
Kong, Singapore) manage to become specialized in at least one high-tech sector (electrical machinery or
instruments). In Korea, electrical machinery is becoming increasingly
important, as is clear from the top-3 changes + row, but in 1987, this sector did not rank among the top-3 RCA yet.
Thus, all the economies which have shown an
increasing trend in specialization over the last years, are
becoming more specialized in at least one high-tech sector. This illustrated the value of the argument on the
reshaping of the international division of labour.
Another point that is worth mentioning from Table IX.6
is the importance of natural resource-based industries such as refined oil,
rubber and wood for some of the Asian
economies. Being tied to one particular location, these sectors would be expected to have a high degree of specialization.
Nevertheless, the fact that most Asian economies
have been able to go beyond the exclusive exploitation of these natural resources, and specialize in other
sectors as well, is indicative of their dynamic power. Take Korea, which was specialized in the natural resource
based industries rubber and pottery in 1963. At that
time, electrical machinery and transport were very weak. Over the 1960s, Korea
experienced a wave of specialization, which
led to a strong position in other manufacturing, and refined oil as a new, but more important, resource-based
industry. After 1970, the Korean
economy was once again reshaped, this time
resulting in a net decline of specialization. During this period, a
number of its weaknesses (leather, electrical machinery)
in 1963 developed into strengths by 1987.
are two other countries for which wave-like patterns in specialization were found. The Philippines switched to an oil-based
economy during the 1960s and early 1970s. Subsequently, it became specialized
in low-tech sectors such as beverages and apparel. Note also the
constant importance of tobacco over the total period.
Hong Kong showed specialization waves too, but only over the most recent period was this accompanied by a real
structural change in the sense that instruments became more and more important.
Over the total period, this country is the best example of the
importance of textiles(-related) industry in the Asian countries.
Thus, this table shows the supply side effects and causes of
specialization. Table IX.7 shows the demand side effects related
to specialization. The table gives the average value of the variable S over different
subperiods. Overall, the value of S (compared
to growth rate differentials and/or competitiveness) is small. However, as the
regressions showed, the importance is still significant, The table shows that
the two leaders (Japan, USA) mostly stay on the positive (including 0) side
(Japan especially since it has become a
technological leader). The other countries are mostly on the negative
side, except for Hong Kong for the post-1960s period, and the other countries
for the period around the first oil crisis. This indicates that the catching up of the Asian NICs
is not due to the demand effects of structural differences. If anything, this effect was
beneficial to the economic and technological leaders.
IX.7. Growth due to the demand side effect of structural differences, Asian NICs and Technological Leaders, in percentage points
Country |
1963-1965 |
1965-1970 |
1970-1975 |
1975-1980 |
1980-1985 |
1985-1987 |
Philippines |
-0.8 |
-0.5 |
0.1 |
-0.1 |
-0.4 |
-0.5 |
Malaysia |
-1.3 |
-0.5 |
0.2 |
0.1 |
0.2 |
-0.2 |
Thailand |
-1.7 |
-1.3 |
0 |
0 |
-0.5 |
-0.4 |
Korea |
-0.83 |
-0.25 |
0.1 |
-0.2 |
-0.4 |
-0.3 |
Hong Kong |
-1.2 |
-0.5 |
0.2 |
0.1 |
0.2 |
0.1 |
Singapore |
-0.4 |
0.5 |
0.4 |
-0.2 |
-0.6 |
-0.5 |
Japan |
-0.1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0.3 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
0.1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0.1 |
Summarizing the results, it is clear that there
is not a general strategy for successful catching up, even when attention is limited to a small group of
countries such as the Asian NICs.
Table IX.8 summarizes the findings of this section in a qualitative overview of some the factors stimulating growth in the
Asian economies. Overall low wages seem to
(have) be(en) a very strong factor stimulating growth in Asia. In addition to this, investment plays a (major) role in all countries,
except Thailand. More recently, growth in high-tech
industries has been a factor contributing in a
positive way. Overall, the Asian economies do not seem to be specialized in sectors with very high (world) income elasticity. Other
factors, such as specialization and openness vary between the different Asian
economies. Some of the countries have benefited
from these factors, while others have had a weaker position in this
Table IX.8. Factors explaining
growth in the Asian NICs
Factor |
Period |
Philippines |
Malaysia |
Thailand |
Korea |
Hong Kong |
Singap ore |
Japa n |
Low wages |
early |
++ |
++ |
+ |
++ |
+ |
++ |
late |
++ |
++ |
++ |
++ |
++ |
0 |
Technology |
early |
- |
+ |
- |
- |
- |
+ |
- |
late |
- |
ó |
- |
0 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
resource based industries |
early |
+ |
++ |
0 |
0 |
0 |
++ |
+ |
late |
0 |
++ |
+ |
0 |
0 |
++ |
- |
High-tech industries |
early |
0 |
- |
- |
0 |
- |
0 |
0 |
late |
0 |
+ |
- |
+ |
+ |
+ |
++ |
Growth from trade |
early |
0 |
+ |
0 |
0 |
++ |
++ |
0 |
late |
0 |
+ |
0 |
+ |
++ |
++ |
+ |
Specialization |
early |
î ; |
+ |
+ |
0 |
++ |
++ |
- |
late |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
++ |
0 |
Income elasticity of demand |
early |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
0 |
+ |
late |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
+ |
- |
0 |
Investment |
early |
+ |
+ |
- |
+ |
+ |
+ |
++ |
late |
+ |
++ |
- |
++ |
+ |
++ |
++ |
9.3. Conclusions
tests performed in section 9.1 show the general relevance of the approach to growth in the model presented in Chapter 7. The
results show the importance of the evolutionary argument that differences in
economic structure and differences in
competitiveness are related to growth rate differentials. Thus, the model and
the tests based on it have shown to
have some value in explaining the first stylized fact in Chapter 4. It has also been shown that the second and third
stylized fact are significant factors
in explaining the first one. However, since the explanatory power of the regression is low, it also appears
that one needs to consider more factors determining competitiveness than the
limited set used here and in the previous
chapter. To do so, further research must be carried out.
The case study approach adopted in section 9.2 also shows this. The
growth pattern of the Asian NICs can be explained by
looking at the variables in the regressions,
but there are also parts which cannot be explained directly by this method.
Moreover, the case study approach shows that variety is a very important
concept in explaining growth. As the
evolutionary logic stresses, there is not a generally valid strategy for
catching up. Each of the countries considered has its own specific factors
fostering growth.
leads to a specific way of looking at growth that is quite different from the mainstream models outlined in Chapter 2, which
treat growth as a balanced phenomenon, having a gradual nature. The open
economy evolutionary logic, on the contrary, looks at growth as induced by
changes in trade and the selection environment, which can be quite sudden and
unexpected. Thus, the growth paths of
the economies are subject to sudden shocks and trend reversals.
the concluding section of this last empirical chapter is not the place to discuss this issue in depth. This will be done in
the last chapter, which will summarize the main arguments and conclusions.